I already know I spend longer at work than I should (although at least I don't take work home with me), but last week took the cake, due...
Chosen (book) by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
I kind of had a hard time, at first, even remembering everything that happened in this book, because it didn't seem like much happened. ...
Chalice (book) by Robin McKinley
At first, I wasn't sure I was going to like this. It started off kind of ordinary, then I got a few pages further, and I was hooked. An...
Death of a Gentle Lady (book) by M.C. Beaton
If I were a more consistent blogger (or if I had not abandoned my previous method of keeping track of my reading with an enormous Excel spre...
Wild and crazy eyed
Expect another couple posts tomorrow and next week, but only because I already finished and scheduled them prior to the onslaught of pet-rel...
Blogger change
I remember, at one point, wishing that certain aspects of Blogger were a bit more like WordPress - one of the things I'd seen on WordPre...
Higurashi - When They Cry: Abducted By Demons Arc (manga, vol. 1) story by Ryukishi07, art by Karin Suzuragi
I don't know if I would have liked this more, or less, if I hadn't already seen some of the anime - the moment when the cute girl t...
Adventurous reading, future reading
I'm really bad about updating my Shelfari "currently reading" list - I've actually been reading Deeanne Gist's The Mea...