Synopsis: Early on in the season, Aang learns that he cannot fight the Fire Nation solely in the Avatar state - as powerful as the Avatar st...
Family Complex (manga) by Mikiyo Tsuda
Synopsis: This one-shot focuses on each of the members of the almost entirely beautiful Sakamoto family. Akira (the youngest son - 14 years ...
Arsene Lupin (e-book) by Edgar Jepson and Maurice Leblanc
This is another Project Gutenberg book . I tried to avoid spoilers, but it still may be possible to guess certain things about the book base...
Sleight of Hand (e-novella) by Katrina Strauss
Sleight of Hand is a short erotic paranormal m/m romance story. Both All Romance and Samhain Publishing include it in their steampunk cat...
The Hunger Games (book) by Suzanne Collins
Synopsis: Sometime in the future, everyone in Panem, located in what used to be North America, lives at the Capitol or in Districts 1 throug...
Ash (book) by Malinda Lo
During Pride Week, Dear Author had a post recommending YA fiction , and this was one of the recommended books. I still intend to read Boy Me...
Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You (manga, vol. 3) by Karuho Shiina
Synopsis: Sawako is invited to hang out with friends for the first time in her life. She eats ramen with Yano and Yoshida at Ryu's famil...
The Lark and the Wren (e-book) by Mercedes Lackey
This book is part of the Baen Free Book Library . I downloaded it because I could not find my paper copy of the book, and because I wanted t...