At first, it looked like my trainer for the day had just forgotten it was time to staff the reference desk. It turns out she'd actually scheduled a doctor's appointment for her mom and was going to go with her, so she had me sub for her. Scary, but this isn't all that bad a time to start going solo. Finals are here, and no one wants to ask reference questions - they want to know where they can find a stapler!
It was actually kind of sad, though. If someone did ask for for a stapler, or scissors, or white out, then I was fine, but anything more complicated and I had to call a reference librarian. I still don't understand how a student can go an entire semester without once using her network password...
The cataloging side of things has been going a bit more smoothly. I ventured back into the world of Sirsi Symphony reports today and managed to successfully generate a report listing all of the authority files we have for children's subject headings (400-something out of hundreds of thousands of authority records total) and a report of all titles with incorrect nonfiling character indicators (approx. 200, I think, although not all of them are incorrect, just enough to be a bit shocking). Now I just need to find the time to fix all of this stuff.
My work on this blog has slowed down considerably - I've still got lots of posts waiting to be finished, but I don't really have the will to finish them right now. I'm so tired... Well, I'm good until Friday, then we'll have to see. I'm looking forward to the holiday break, although I'm sad I can't visit my family. I miss them.
Alone at the ref desk for the first time
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