Now, just off the top of my head, the things that bothered me:
- The Romulans - Did they ever look like that in the show? With the tatoos? I don't recall that, but then I never watched the original Star Trek, just the spin-offs.
- Spock and Uhura - This bothered the friend I saw the movie with too. While I'm thrilled that Uhura didn't fall into Kirk's arms and make herself another notch in his belt or whatever, the Spock thing was just weird. The first time she kissed him in the movie, his response was so stilted I thought for sure she was just forcing her affections on him or something. Then, later, it's confirmed - they're a couple.
- They jumped from space?? And survived?! - Well, mostly survived, but the jumping from space was not what killed the one guy. Shouldn't they have all burned up in the atmosphere? Maybe they didn't start out in space, but I could've sworn they did...
- A cracked spaceship is a very bad thing - Near the end, the Enterprise cracks a bit while under tremendous strain. Cracked glass was all that stood between the people on the bridge and space, and yet no one was nearly as worried as they should have been. Did I miss something?
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