For those who are still actually looking at this blog from time to time (boy has my readership tanked), just letting you know I'm still alive. I saw a mind-scarring movie today (Gamer) and almost have the post for it finished. Also, if you've taken a peek at my Shelfari widget, you might have noticed that I am reading a Western. Yes, that's right, paranormal romance and manga-loving me is reading a Western. Coming up with read-alikes for that one should be a brain buster.
The school year started maybe a month ago. I figured that, being a cataloger, this wouldn't affect me nearly as much as if I were a reference or instruction librarian. Turns out I've been wrong about that. Since I've got a conference and actual vacation time coming up next month, I've got to try to get a little ahead, but things haven't been going so well. I blame our ILS (integrated library system, for those of you unfamiliar with library acronyms). It sucks up all my time and causes me to sweat bullets as I try to advise our Systems Librarian in ways that will make our catalog better without breaking it first. ::shudder::
I'm alive!
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